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Be Still and Know that I am God

I wrote "Be Still and Know that I am God," when I was going through a very challenging time in my life. I felt alone, as if the heavens were closed and no one could ease my pain. I was doing my best to solve my problems through study, prayer, keeping the commandments, and serving others. But I was sinking into despair. I began to search the scriptures in great earnest for help. It was then that I came across D&C 101:16,"Therefore, let your hearts be comforted...for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God." These words sunk deep into my heart and reminded me that God is in control--that He "has my back!"  That night, as I looked up into the starry night, I was filled with amazement, asking, "Who am I that Thou art mindful of me?"  Paul answered in Acts 17:28-29, "...we are the offspring of God..."

   Special Recognition
2012 LDS Church Music Submission Competition, Song


Text and Music: Diane Tuiofu

Verse one

Who am I that Thou art mindful of me,

'Midst the stars and endless galaxies

Infinitely giving light, illuminating night?

Yet, here am I, part of that sky.

Verse two
Who am I that Thou art mindful of me?

Worlds without end Thou holdest in Thy hands.

With worlds rolling on their wings

Throughout eternity,

Why wouldst Thou consider me?

And yet I hear Thee answering:



Be still and know that I am God.

Trust in Me, not on thy understanding.

For as I’ve fashioned with My hands

Each creation, every man,

All are known and loved by me.

(Tenor lyrics on repeat chorus)

Be still and know that I am God  (full of love).

Look to Me in all thy doings.

For I know thy every need.

Ask in faith, ye shall receive.

All that I have I long to give to thee.


Verse three

Who am I that Thou art mindful of me (before Thee)

Healing me in my extremity (bestowing peace upon me),

Filling me with holy light,
That I may see with Thy sight,
(giving me sight)

And love as Thou lovest me?

Who am I that Thou art mindful of me,

That Thou wouldst bear my sins in Gethsemane?

Who am I that Thou wouldst die,

That with Thee I might rise and live


Repeat Chorus

Draw near, and
Come unto Me.

(Tenor lyrics)

Sheet Music/Listening Links
To listen and view score simultaneously click listening link first, then song link
Performed by Karina Gillette and Matt Billman

by Greg Collins

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