Diane Tuiofu Music
and the Arts
Composer, Arranger, Pianist

~For All Levels of Musical Learning
Tuiofu Piano Studio

Tuiofu Piano Studio
~For All Levels of Musical Learning
Piano Lessons
Are you interested in piano or composition lessons? I would love to meet with you and answer any questions you may have about lessons. I always interview potential students to make sure the student is a good match and feels comfortable studying piano with me. I do not offer a trial lesson as I prefer to assess a new student over the first month to ensure they will make positive musical progress. Please use the form below to contact me about your interest in piano lessons. There is no cost for interviews. My Piano Policy is below the contact information form.
If you would like to observe a student's lesson or attend a recital to get a feel for how my studio works, please email me for the information on dates/times.