Diane Tuiofu Music
and the Arts
Composer, Arranger, Pianist

Because of Faith
"Because of Faith" tells the story of Alma's son who went about seeking to destroy the faith of those who would follow the Lord. Alma offered up heartfelt prayers to God that his son might be brought to the knowledge of the truth. It was because of his faithful pleading an Angel appeared to Alma's son commanding him that he must choose to be cast off, or heed the truth. The story of Alma touches the heart of those who may be grieving the loss of faith in a loved one. It is a time of self-reflection and sincere prayer, but also a time to trust in the Lord's plan, and timing. How great was Alma's joy when he learned of his son's return to the covenant path. Yet, what if Alma's son had refused to change, as could have been the outcome? We pray in faith for our loved ones, but also honor their agency to choose for themselves. We may become discouraged when prayers seem to go unanswered. But peace will come as we hold fast to our faith and trust in the Lord. He is always faithful. He reaches out to us "...with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm" (Deuteronomy 26:8). "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).
Award of Merit
1992 LDS Church Music Submission Competition
Verse one
The scriptures tell of Alma's son
Who went about his willful way,
Destroying faith with wicked deeds,
Leading astray God's righteous seed.
Verse two
Because of faith and fervent prayer,
An angel of the Lord appeared,
Commanding him that he must choose,
To be cast off or heed the truth.
Astonished so, he could not speak,
And fell to earth, his limbs weak.
Then Alma prayed and thanked the Lord,
His son once lost is now reborn!
Verse three
Because of faith and fervent prayer,
I, too, have felt my Father near,
He frees my soul and grants me peace,
Extends His love so easily.
Because of faith, because of faith,
I'm born of Him again.
Text and Music: Diane Tuiofu