Diane Tuiofu Music
and the Arts
Composer, Arranger, Pianist

My Soul Sanctify
The melody of "My Soul Sanctify" comes from the American Folk-hymn, Expression, whose original composer and lyricist are unknown. It has inspired beautiful choral arrangements through the years, and is a favorite of mine. As I love its sense of pleading, I wrote lyrics in the form of a heartfelt prayer--seeking faith, light and understanding from the Lord in preparation for His return. Prophets of old and present day have warned us of the coming trials and tribulations that would precede the Lord's Second Coming, but we will not be left to face them alone. Christ declared, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). He has also given us these comforting words, "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (D&C 88:63). Let Zion in her beauty rise to meet the Lord when He rends the skies.
Text and Music by Diane Tuiofu
Verse One
O Jesus, my Savior,
My soul sanctify
To meet Thee with joy
When Thou rendest the skies,
Bringing peace and salvation
Unto a waiting world.
Let Zion in all her beauty rise.
Verse Two
O Merciful Savior
Enlighten my mind
With Thine understanding,
My faith magnify.
In Thee there is peace--
Thou hast overcome the world.
O Lord, my Redeemer,
My heart purity.
Verse Three
In Thee there is peace--
Thou hast overcome the world.
O Jesus, my Savior,
My soul sanctify,
My soul sanctify.
O Jesus, my Savior,
My soul sanctify,