Diane Tuiofu Music
and the Arts
Composer, Arranger, Pianist
The Blind Beggar Bartimaeus
"For behold, I say unto you there be many things to come; [but] behold, there is one thing which is of more importance than they all...the Redeemer [who] liveth and cometh among his people" (Alma 7:7). I love the story of Bartimaeus who knew this truth. He was a blind man sitting by the way side, beyond the city of Jericho, begging. "And hearing the multitude pass by, he asked what it meant, and they told him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by. And he cried, saying, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me...He cried again, so much the more, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me...And [Jesus] said unto him, Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee" (Luke 18:35-42). Although Bartimaeus had been physically blind, he could see spiritually, and through his determined faith in Jesus Christ, he was healed.
Text: Toni Thomas Music: Diane Tuiofu
Verse one
As a blind child clutching cobblestones,
I wondered what it meant to see--
To know the thing I could not touch;
It made no sense to me.
As a blind man groping with my hands
To somehow guide my stumbling feet.
I often heard men speak of light
But I did not believe.
Then Jesus touched me,
Filled my eyes with living light,
Gave them sight and I saw.
When Jesus touched me,
How could I see and not believe,
Not perceive the Son of God,
The Son of God?
Verse two
I saw the love in Jesus' face;
I saw the hatred men returned.
I saw Him teach His lowly ones
When wise men would not learn.
When He rode in triumph through the streets,
I thought the very stones would sing!
Then they took my Lord;
They mocked and scourged;
They crucified my king.
Chorus Reprise
Did they not see Him?
Did they not see His living light,
See his might and feel awe?
Did they not see Him?
How could they see and not believe,
Not perceive the Son of God?
The Son of God?
Verse one Reprise
They were blind children clutching cobblestones,
They would not lift their eyes to see.
Contented with their cobblestones;
It makes no sense to me.
Blind beggars groping with your hands
To somehow guide your stumbling feet.
Your very eyes beheld the Christ
How could you not, why would you not believe?
I am the Beggar Bartimaeus;
Though I was blind, yet,
Now I can see!